Monthly Archives: December 2021


Nevada 2021 redistricting map

Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) signed the Democratic legislators’ map into law, which is designed to keep the state’s 3D-1R delegation intact.

The 2020 election yielded very close re-election results for Reps. Susie Lee (D-Las Vegas) and Steven Horsford (D-Las Vegas). Therefore, this map strengthen those two districts in Clark County, but at the expense of Rep. Dina Titus’ (D-Las Vegas) downtown 1st District. The strongest Democratic district, Rep. Horsford’s 4th CD, is only rated as a D+5 on partisan indexes.

Despite Nevada’s large population gain, Rep. Titus’ district needed to gain 73,332 residents, meaning her district had to undergo relative significant change.

All three Democratic seats are now in the low to mid-50s realm, meaning in strong Republican years, these districts could become competitive.


Georgia did not gain a seat in reapportionment despite significant growth in the Atlanta area. In the state’s major metroplex, the congressional districts fully contained within or touching the area counties gained almost 200,000 people dispersed within six districts. The rural CDs, particularly in the southern part of Georgia, however, all needed to gain individuals in order to meet the state population quota of 765,136 individuals per congressional district.

Rep. Sanford Bishop’s (D-Albany) 2nd District becomes somewhat more Republican, but this seat was the most under-populated congressional domain in the state, requiring an additional 92,108 residents to meet the state quota. Therefore, a significant change was necessary.

The big changes come in the Atlanta area, and this is where the Republican map drawers are making a move to take back one of their two lost seats. It appears the 6th District of two-term Rep. Lucy McBath (D-Marietta) will again become strongly Republican, with a major population shift also going into Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux’s 7th CD that will concede the district to her and the Democrats.

By changing the 6th District — because Rep. McBath is African American, and the move will undoubtedly trigger a civil rights lawsuit — eyebrows were raised. Under previous redistricting rulings, however, a district is not judged by the incumbent, but rather whether the controlling minority community elects its candidate of choice.

It is likely that the Georgia map changes with Republicans flipping the 6th District back into their column. The remaining Georgia incumbents will all receive winnable seats, so most of the state’s congressional political action will be centered upon the 6th District.

Under this new plan, the Georgia delegation is projected to become 9R-5D, but expect a major legal challenge.

Rep. Suozzi Announces for
New York Governor

Long Island US Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-Glen Cove)

By Jim Ellis

Dec. 1, 2021 — Turning down NYC Mayor-Elect Eric Adams’ offer of becoming one of the city’s deputy mayors, Long Island US Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-Glen Cove) instead announced Monday that he is joining the fast-growing Democratic primary for governor.

Already in the statewide race is the new incumbent, Gov. Kathy Hochul, Attorney General Tish James, and NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams. On the Republican side, Long Island Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-Shirley) is clearly the leading candidate for his party’s gubernatorial nomination, having already clinched the official New York Republican Party endorsement.

This is not the first time Suozzi has run for governor. In the 2006 Democratic primary, ill-fated, then-Attorney General Eliot Spitzer crushed Suozzi, 82-18 percent.

The Suozzi strategy is to take advantage of a crowded Democratic field where the other participants are all campaigning to the left. Therefore, he is calling himself the “moderate, common sense Democrat.” In a plurality election, his strategy has a chance of being successful, but the bigger question may revolve around whether he will have adequate resources to effectively communicate his message to a statewide electorate in order to develop such a fractured winning coalition.

With Rep. Suozzi foregoing re-election, it creates an additional open Democratic US House seat, a number that has grown significantly in the past two weeks, and also potentially alters the New York redistricting process.

Suozzi was first elected to the House in 2016 and twice re-elected, but failed to reach 60 percent in any of his congressional campaigns. Prior to his service in Congress, Suozzi held the Nassau County Executive position for two terms but was defeated when trying for a third. Four years later, in 2013, trying to regain his lost position, Suozzi was again defeated, this time by a strong 59-41 percent margin. Before winning his countywide position, Suozzi was twice elected as mayor of his hometown of Glen Cove, NY.

Suozzi’s 3rd Congressional District sits in Long Island’s center-west sector, hugging the north shore. The four districts that are self-contained on Long Island are a combined 148,780 people short of meeting the per-district population quota of 776,971 individuals in each of the state’s 26 congressional districts.

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