Tag Archives: Mass Inc.

Looking Beyond Tomorrow’s Final Primaries


Last week we wrote about the Massachusetts 6th Congressional District Democratic primary where Rep. John Tierney faces a formidable opponent in ex-Iraq War veteran Seth Moulton. According to a new poll, the challenger has the critical momentum and is pulling to within three points of the congressman, holding him below 50 percent.

The Emerson College Polling Society (Sept. 2-4; 343 likely MA-6 Democratic primary voters) finds Rep. Tierney clinging to a 47-44 percent lead over Moulton, hardly a comforting margin for a nine-term incumbent. Clearly, the late trends are riding with Moulton; the only question is will they be enough to carry him over the political finish line tomorrow. The Society conducted two other polls of this race, one in April and the other in June. Tierney held leads in those studies of 64-11 percent and 59-17 percent, respectively.

The Emerson College Polling Society is comprised of a group of students at the named educational institution. They came to fame shortly after the 2013 Virginia governor’s race when all of the professional Continue reading >

Massachusetts Senate Poll

The Mass Inc. polling organization surveyed the Bay State electorate for NPR radio station WBUR in Boston (Aug. 30-Sept. 1; 500 likely Massachusetts voters). For the first time, a poll is showing Sen. Scott Brown (R) ahead by less than a double-digit spread. Despite Obama Administration Consumer Advocate Elizabeth Warren only scoring a 17:13 percent positive to negative favorability ratio, she pulls to within 35-44 percent of Sen. Brown.

Against the other potential Democratic contenders, however, Brown still remains firmly in control. When paired with author and Episcopal priest Bob Massie, the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor in 1994, the senator leads 45-29 percent. Against businessman and former US Senate candidate Alan Khazei, Brown’s advantage is a full 15 points, 45-30 percent. Finally, in a one-on-one contest with Newton Mayor Setti Warren, the first-term Senatorial incumbent pulls away by an even greater 46-28 percent margin. Brown’s favorability index is a strong 54:25 percent.
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